What You Need
A Mac computer with at least 4 GB of RAM and 20 GB of free disk space.
A downloaded ISO image of Ubuntu. You can get it from here.
A downloaded installer of Vmware Player. You can get it from here.
Step 1: Install Vmware Player on Your Mac
Vmware Player is not officially supported on Mac OS X, but you can still install it using a workaround. Here are the steps:
Ubuntu Vmware Player Mac Os X
Download Zip: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftinurll.com%2F2tIFBR&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw3pyY4pNsnJacKKClC8MYO8
Download and install Homebrew, a package manager for Mac OS X.
Open a terminal and type brew install --cask darwin-driver to install the necessary drivers for Vmware Player.
Type brew install --cask vmware-fusion to install Vmware Fusion, a commercial version of Vmware Player for Mac OS X.
Type brew install --cask vmware-player to install Vmware Player.
Type sudo spctl --master-disable to disable the security policy that prevents running unsigned applications on Mac OS X.
Launch Vmware Player from the Applications folder.
Step 2: Create a New Virtual Machine for Ubuntu
Once you have Vmware Player installed and running, you can create a new virtual machine for Ubuntu. Here are the steps:
Click on Create a New Virtual Machine.
Select I will install the operating system later and click Next.
Select Linux as the guest operating system and Ubuntu 64-bit as the version. Click Next.
Name your virtual machine and choose a location to store it. Click Next.
Specify the disk size for your virtual machine. We recommend at least 20 GB. Click Next.
Click on Customize Hardware to adjust the settings for your virtual machine. You can change the memory, processor, network, display, and other options. We recommend at least 4 GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores for optimal performance. Click Close when done.
Click on Finish to create your virtual machine.
Step 3: Install Ubuntu on Your Virtual Machine
The final step is to install Ubuntu on your virtual machine. Here are the steps:
In the Vmware Player window, select your virtual machine and click on Edit virtual machine settings.
Select CD/DVD (IDE) from the hardware list and click on Browse.
Navigate to the location where you downloaded the Ubuntu ISO image and select it. Click OK.
Select Connect at power on and click OK.
Select your virtual machine and click on Power on this virtual machine.
You will see the Ubuntu installation screen. Follow the instructions to install Ubuntu on your virtual machine.
When the installation is complete, restart your virtual machine and enjoy Ubuntu on your Mac!